Big Spring Sale: 50% off CardPointers through March 31st!

Save 50%

Auto-Add every Amex, Chase, and other offers to multiply your savings.

After installing the web extension, you can opt in to have every offer auto-added to your account, and synchronized with the CardPointers app. Your accounts and transactions stay private.

  • Amex, Chase, BoA, Citi, Wells Fargo, and US Bank Offers will be automatically added every time you log in to the bank site like normal — no bank logins needed.
  • Offers Modal — You've never seen your offers like this before. No more clicking through individual offers ever again. Your time is valuable.
  • Search & Sort — Add just the offers you want to each of your cards thanks to a powerful search and sort system.
Free Download
CardPointers Web Extension Screenshot 1

Never forget an offer again.

When you're shopping on the web, CardPointers is right there at your side. Actually, at the bottom — Shopping Pointers on 1,000s of different sites let you know how to save money just by paying with the right card.

  • After adding your offers with the extension, you'll see them automatically suggested to you on each merchant's website, automatically.
  • If you don't have an offer on the site, you'll still know which credit card to use to get the largest category bonus possible for your purchase.
CardPointers Web Extension Screenshot 2