CardPointers 4, made for iOS 16

There's a big new update to CardPointers now available on the App Store, optimized for iOS 16 and all of its great new features, including:

  • Lock Screen Widgets
  • App Shortcuts
  • Focus Filters
  • Shared with You
  • Passkeys
  • Plus many new features to help users earn more from their credit cards

Download today on the App Store.

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Lock Screen Widgets

Now you can see which of your cards to use for a purchase at any store right on your lock screen and keep a tab on any expiring credits or offers you have.

Add a circular, rectangular, or inline widget to know which card to use for any purchase category. Or choose to add the Offers widget to keep track of which are ending soon.

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App Shortcuts

Thanks to iOS 16's new App Shortcuts system, you can ask Siri, “CardPointers for Gas Station”, or any other type of purchase, and Siri will immediately show you which of your cards to use there to save money / earn more points. No setup necessary in the Shortcuts app anymore!

Find any card or offer matching your criteria by using the new filtering system in shortcuts in a flash, or use any of the new Open in App shortcuts.

Ask Siri while using the app, “What can I do here?” to find other shortcuts.

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Focus Filters

Configure a Work focus to only show Business Cards in the app, or a Travel focus to exclude all cards with foreign fees. You can set it up however you want, with any combination of filters.

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Shared with You

Share any links from to friends with CardPointers, and they’ll show up in the new Shared with You shelf in the For You area of the app.

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New users can create a new account with a passkey and never have to use a password or Sign in with Apple.

Existing users can add a passkey to their account to further secure their logins via the Settings screen.

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